Advanced Reading Lesson1-10

Read the article and have a discussion based on the following questions.


Lesson 1: The Impact of Reading Aloud on Memory and Comprehension

The Impact of Reading Aloud on Memory and Comprehension

 In school, a significant amount of time is spent studying and reading material that we need to recall later for tests. Our ability to remember what we’ve read often becomes a key measure of our academic success. But there are different ways to study: some people read information aloud, others silently; some take notes or ask someone to quiz them. Most students eventually find a method that works best for them.

Previous research has shown that reading information aloud can improve memory compared to reading silently. However, researchers wanted to explore a different angle: does reading aloud help us understand information better?

 While past studies focused on how well people remember individual words, they often overlooked whether reading aloud affects comprehension on a deeper level. To address this gap, a research team conducted four experiments. Participants were given passages to read—some aloud and some silently. After reading each passage, they answered multiple-choice questions. Some questions tested their memory of the content, while others assessed their understanding and ability to connect different pieces of information.

 The findings revealed that while reading aloud does enhance memory, it does not necessarily improve comprehension or the ability to make meaningful connections between ideas. Participants who read aloud remembered details better, but their deeper understanding of the text remained unchanged. One of the researchers explained that being able to recall information does not equate to a better understanding of it.

 The researchers further commented, “Read your grocery lists aloud to remember them better, but don’t bother reading your textbook chapters aloud.” Their advice underscores the distinction between memorization and comprehension: while reading aloud may help retain specific facts, it does little to enhance one’s grasp of complex concepts.

 These findings suggest that while reading aloud can be a useful tool for memorization, it may not be the best approach for understanding more complex or interconnected information. Therefore, students may need to adopt different study methods depending on whether their goal is to remember facts or deeply understand a topic.


significant: Important or meaningful.
  Amy has a significant decision to make.

recall: To remember something.
  I can’t recall where I put my keys this morning.

key measure: A main or essential way to evaluate something.
  The key measure of success in this project is customer satisfaction

eventually: After a long time or some delay.
  He worked hard and eventually became the team leader.

works best for –: To be the most effective or suitable for someone or something.
  Studying in the morning works best for me because my mind is fresh.
previous: Happening or existing before something else.
  I met her at the previous meeting last month

overlook: To fail to notice something.
  He overlooked a small mistake in the report.

affect: To influence or change something.
  The weather can affect our mood

comprehension: The ability to understand something.
  His comprehension of the topic improved after he asked more questions.
address: To deal with or focus on a problem or issue.
  The teacher addressed the students’ concerns about the test.
conduct an experiment: To carry out a scientific test to study something.
  The students conducted an experiment to see how plants grow in different soils.
multiple-choice question: A question with several possible answers to choose from.
  The quiz was easy because it was all multiple-choice questions.
content: The information or material contained in something.
  The content of the book was very interesting

assess: To evaluate or judge something.
  The teacher assessed the students’ homework carefully.

reveal: To show or make something known.
  The test results revealed that most students preferred group activities.
enhance: To improve the quality or ability of something.
  Adding more details will enhance your presentation.

not necessarily: Not always or not in every case.
  Expensive items are not necessarily better than cheaper ones.
equate to: To consider one thing as equal to another.
  For him, success equates to earning a lot of money.
bother –ing: To take the time to do something, often implying effort.
  She didn’t bother bringing an umbrella, even though it was cloudy.
underscore: To emphasize the importance of something.
  The report underscores the need for better public transportation.
retain: To keep or remember something.
  It’s important to take notes to retain what you learn in class.
specific: Clearly defined or particular.
  Can you give me a specific example of what you mean?
grasp of: A clear understanding of something.
  She has a good grasp of basic math concepts.
interconnect: To link or connect things together.
  All the roads in this area interconnect, making it easy to travel around.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. Do you think reading aloud is a useful strategy for studying, or do you prefer other methods? Why?

3. How important do you think it is to focus on comprehension rather than just memorization when studying?

4. Based on the research findings, would you change your study habits to improve understanding rather than memory? Why or why not?

5. What study techniques do you find most effective for improving comprehension of complex information?

6. Do you agree with Brady R.T. Roberts’ advice about not reading textbook chapters aloud? Why or why not?

7. How do you balance the need for memorization and comprehension when preparing for exams?

8. In your opinion, should schools encourage different study techniques to help students understand content better? If so, how?

9. Do you think the ability to remember information is overrated in education systems today? Explain your viewpoint.

10. If you were conducting a similar study, what additional factors would you explore to understand the impact of reading methods on learning?

Vocabulary Test

  Amy has a (s ) decision to make.

2. 今朝、鍵をどこに置いたのか思い出せません。
  I can’t (r ) where I put my keys this morning.

3. このプロジェクトの成功の主な指標は顧客満足です。
  The (k )( ) of success in this project is customer satisfaction.

4. 彼は一生懸命働いて、最終的にチームリーダーになりました。
  He worked hard and (e ) became the team leader.

5. 朝に勉強するのが私には一番効果的です。頭が冴えているからです。
  Studying in the morning (w )( )( )me because my mind is fresh.

6. 私は先月の前回の会議で彼女に会いました。
  I met her at the (p ) meeting last month.

7. 彼は報告書の中の小さなミスを見落としました。
  He (o ) a small mistake in the report.

8. 天気は私たちの気分に影響を与えることがあります。
  The weather can (a ) our mood.

9. 彼はもっと質問をした後、そのトピックの理解が深まりました。
  His (c ) of the topic improved after he asked more questions.

10. 先生はテストについての生徒たちの不安に対応しました。
  The teacher (a ) the students’ concerns about the test.

11. 生徒たちは異なる土壌で植物がどのように成長するかを調べる実験を行いました。
  The students (c )( )( ) to see how plants grow in different soils.

12. そのクイズは全て選択問題だったので簡単でした。
  The quiz was easy because it was all (m )questions.

13. その本の内容はとても面白かったです。
  The (c ) of the book was very interesting.

14. 先生は生徒たちの宿題を注意深く評価しました。
  The teacher (a ) the students’ homework carefully.

15. テスト結果は、ほとんどの生徒がグループ活動を好むことを示しました。
  The test results (r ) that most students preferred group activities.

16. 詳細を加えることで、プレゼンテーションが向上します。
  Adding more details will (e ) your presentation.

17. 高価なものが必ずしも安価なものより良いとは限りません。
  Expensive items are (n )( ) better than cheaper ones.

18. 彼にとって、成功は多くのお金を稼ぐことと同じ意味です。
  For him, success (e )( ) earning a lot of money.

19. 彼女は曇っていたにもかかわらず、傘を持ってくるのを面倒だと思いました。
  She didn’t (b )( ) an umbrella, even though it was cloudy.

20. その報告書は、より良い公共交通機関の必要性を強調しています。
  The report (u ) the need for better public transportation.

21. 授業で学んだことを覚えておくためにメモを取ることは重要です。
  It’s important to take notes to (r ) what you learn in class.

22. あなたが言いたいことの具体的な例を教えてくれますか?
  Can you give me a (s ) example of what you mean?

23. 彼女は基本的な数学の概念をよく理解しています。
  She has a good (g )( ) basic math concepts.

24. この地域のすべての道路が互いに接続されており、移動が簡単です。
  All the roads in this area (i ), making it easy to travel around.

Lesson 2: The Debate Over Anonymous Reviews by Public Figures

The Debate Over Anonymous Reviews by Public Figures

 In today’s digital age, public figures often navigate unique challenges when it comes to their interactions with businesses. While they frequently use fake names to book hotels or make restaurant reservations for privacy, some take this further by writing anonymous online reviews. This practice, particularly when leaving negative feedback, has sparked ongoing debate.

Supporters of anonymous reviews argue that everyone, including public figures, has the right to share honest feedback about their experiences. The primary purpose of review platforms, they claim, is to provide a space for transparency—whether the feedback is positive or negative. They believe that public figures should not be excluded from this process simply because of their fame.

 Critics, however, worry about the potential consequences. Negative reviews from influential individuals can have a disproportionate impact on businesses, especially small ones. Critics also argue that anonymous reviews lack accountability, as they don’t give businesses the opportunity to address complaints directly. Some feel that public figures, with their vast platforms and resources, have an unfair advantage when it comes to sharing opinions online.

 This debate raises broader questions about the role and ethics of online reviews. Should all reviews, whether written by public figures or private individuals, be attributed to a real identity? Many business owners prefer direct feedback in person, allowing them to address issues on the spot. However, surveys show that many people feel uncomfortable confronting staff, even when dissatisfied.

 Experts suggest that online reviews should focus on the specific experience rather than targeting individuals personally. Keeping feedback constructive and fair ensures that reviews remain helpful while minimizing potential harm to workers or businesses. Whether anonymous or not, the question remains: how can we balance the need for honest feedback with the responsibility of wielding influence carefully?


public figures: People who are well-known in society, such as celebrities, politicians, or influencers.
  Public figures often face scrutiny for their actions.

navigate: To find a way to deal with a difficult situation or challenge.
  She had to navigate a new job and a move to a different city at the same time.

when it comes to: Regarding or in the case of a specific topic or situation.
  When it comes to cooking, he’s the best in our family.

take 〜 further: To go beyond what has already been done or achieved.
  She decided to take her training further by signing up for advanced classes.

anonymous: Without revealing one’s identity.
  He wrote an anonymous letter to report the problem.

leave negative feedback: To provide a review or opinion that highlights dissatisfaction.
  If you’re unhappy with the product, you can leave negative feedback online.

ongoing: Continuing to happen or develop over time.
  There is an ongoing discussion about how to improve the school system.

primary: Most important or main.
  The primary goal of this project is to reduce waste.

claim: To state something as true, often without proof.
  He claims that he saw a rare bird in the park.

transparency: The quality of being clear and open, without secrets.
  The company values transparency in its communication with customers.

exclude: To leave out or not include someone or something.
  They decided to exclude the outdated information from the report.

consequence: The result or effect of an action, often negative.
  If you break the rules, there will be consequences.

influential individual: A person who has the power to affect others’ decisions or actions.
  As an influential individual, she often speaks at public events.

disproportionate: Too large or small in comparison to something else.
  The punishment seemed disproportionate to the mistake he made.

have an impact on 〜: To influence or affect something.
  The weather can have an impact on our travel plans.

accountability: The responsibility to answer for one’s actions or decisions, and to accept the consequences.
  The company was criticized for lacking accountability in its practices.

address complaints: To deal with or respond to negative feedback or issues.
  The manager addressed the complaints by offering refunds.

resource: A supply of materials, money, or support that can be used when needed.
  The library is a valuable resource for students.

ethics: Principles of right and wrong that guide behavior.
  The company’s policies are based on strong ethics.

be attributed to: To be caused by or credited to someone or something.
  The success of the project was attributed to teamwork.

in person: Face-to-face, rather than through technology or other means.
  She prefers to talk to her clients in person.

on the spot: Immediately or right at the moment.
  The teacher told him to solve the problem on the spot.

confront: To face or deal with a difficult situation directly.
  He decided to confront his fears and try public speaking.

constructive: Helpful or intended to improve something.
  Her advice was constructive and helped me solve the problem.

ensure: To make certain that something happens.
  Please ensure that all the windows are closed before you leave.

wield: To hold and use power or influence effectively.
  He wields significant influence in the business community.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. Do you think celebrities should use fake names when writing online reviews? Why or why not?

3. Is it fair for a wealthy person like Millie Bobby Brown to criticize low-paid service workers through online reviews? Why do you feel this way?

4. How would you feel if a famous person left a negative review about your workplace? Would it affect your opinion of them?

5. Do you believe that anonymous reviews are more honest, or do they encourage unfair criticism? Explain your viewpoint.

6. Should businesses prioritize resolving complaints in person rather than online?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

7. How comfortable are you with leaving a negative review for a restaurant or hotel? What factors would influence your decision?

8. What could be a more constructive way for celebrities to express dissatisfaction with services rather than writing anonymous reviews?

9. Do you think online review platforms should have stricter rules for who can post reviews and how? What changes would you suggest?

10. How do you think social media affects people’s opinions on topics like this? Does it encourage constructive debate or more hostility?

Vocabulary Test

  (P )( ) often face scrutiny for their actions.

2. 彼女は新しい仕事と別の都市への引っ越しを同時に乗り越えなければなりませんでした。
  She had to (n ) a new job and a move to a different city at the same time.

3. 料理に関しては、彼が家族の中で一番です。
  (W )( )( )( ) cooking, he’s the best in our family.

4. 彼は問題を報告するために匿名の手紙を書きました。
  He wrote an (a ) letter to report the problem.

5. 製品に不満がある場合、オンラインで否定的なフィードバックを残すことができます。
  If you’re unhappy with the product, you can (l )( ) feedback online.

6. このプロジェクトの主な目標は廃棄物を減らすことです。
  The (p ) goal of this project is to reduce waste.

7. 彼は公園で珍しい鳥を見たと主張しています。
  He (c ) that he saw a rare bird in the park.

8. その会社は顧客とのコミュニケーションで透明性を重視しています。
  The company values (t ) in its communication with customers.

9. 彼らはレポートから古い情報を除外することにしました。
  They decided to (e ) the outdated information from the report.

10. ルールを破ると、結果が伴いますよ。
  If you break the rules, there will be (c ).

11. 影響力のある人物として、彼女はしばしば公共のイベントで話をします。
  As an (i )( ), she often speaks at public events.

12. その罰は彼の犯したミスに比べて不釣り合いに思えました。
  The punishment seemed (d ) to the mistake he made.

13. 天候は私たちの旅行計画に影響を与える可能性があります。
  The weather can (h )( )( )( ) our travel plans.

14. その会社はその行為において説明責任を欠いていると批判されました。
  The company was criticized for lacking (a ) in its practices.

15. マネージャーは返金を申し出ることで苦情に対応しました。
  The manager (a ) the complaints by offering refunds.

16. 図書館は学生にとって貴重な資源です。
  The library is a valuable (r ) for students.

17. その会社の方針は強い倫理に基づいています。
  The company’s policies are based on strong (e ).

18. プロジェクトの成功はチームワークによるものとされました。
  The success of the project was (a )( ) teamwork.

19. 彼女はクライアントと直接会って話すのを好みます。
  She prefers to talk to her clients (i )( ).

20. 先生はその場で問題を解くように彼に言いました。
  The teacher told him to solve the problem (o )( )( ).

21. 彼は恐怖に立ち向かい、スピーチを試すことにしました。
  He decided to (c ) his fears and try public speaking.

22. 彼女のアドバイスは建設的で、問題解決に役立ちました。
  Her advice was (c ) and helped me solve the problem.

23. 出る前にすべての窓が閉まっていることを確認してください。
  Please (e ) that all the windows are closed before you leave.

24. 彼はビジネス界で大きな影響力を持っています。
  He (w ) significant influence in the business community.

Lesson 3: Learning Through Adventure: Using Games to Teach Languate

 Learning Through Adventure: Using Games to Teach Language

 While walking along a forest path, a small, goblin-like creature suddenly emerges from the trees. It seems to be searching for something.

 “Should we attack it?” someone asks.

 “It’s close enough,” another voice responds.

  “No, wait—let’s ask it what it’s looking for!” suggests another person.

 This might sound like a scene from a fantasy story, but it’s actually part of a unique language learning activity. In this class, students aren’t just memorizing vocabulary—they are actively engaging in a role-playing game where creativity and language practice go hand in hand.

 In one language program, educators have found an innovative way to help students learn a new language by using tabletop role-playing games. These types of games offer a fun and interactive way for students to practice speaking, listening, and problem-solving. Rather than focusing on grammar drills or textbook exercises, students immerse themselves in a collaborative story where they have to communicate with each other to complete challenges.

 The game takes the pressure off speaking a new language, as it encourages students to speak freely and think on their feet. Students practice using language in real-life situations, such as negotiating with characters in the game or solving problems as a team. The game fosters valuable skills like persuasion, negotiation, and collaboration, which are essential for effective communication.

 While the game involves fantasy elements like mythical creatures and magical worlds, the scenarios are often inspired by real-life experiences. For instance, players might need to convince a character to give them an item, only to find that they must complete a task first. These challenges help students develop their ability to use language practically and think critically.

 Teachers remind students that the goal is not just to play a game, but to create a shared story together. In this story, anything can happen, and students can practice using language in a fun, immersive way.

 This method of language learning attracts a diverse group of students, each with different backgrounds and native languages. The weekly sessions offer an exciting opportunity for students to practice their new language while making connections with others from different cultures. Through these interactive adventures, students not only improve their language skills but also build confidence and enjoy the process of learning together.


emerge: To appear or come out from somewhere.
The rabbit emerged from the bushes.

it seems to: Used to suggest that something appears to be true based on what is observed.
It seems to be raining outside.

engage in: To take part in or become involved in an activity.
She likes to engage in volunteer work on the weekends.

hand in hand: Together or closely connected.
Success and hard work often go hand in hand.

interactive: Involving communication or active participation.
The children enjoyed the interactive games at the museum.

immerse: To involve someone deeply in a particular activity or situation.
He immersed himself in the project and forgot about everything else.

collaborative: Done by working together with others.
We had a collaborative meeting to discuss the new ideas.

take the pressure off: To reduce stress or make something easier.
The teacher gave a few extra days to take the pressure off the students before the exam.

encourage: To give someone support or confidence to do something.
Her friends encouraged her to try out for the team.

think on one’s feet: To make quick decisions or responses in difficult situations.
She had to think on her feet during the meeting when a problem came up.

negotiate with: To discuss something in order to reach an agreement.
The manager had to negotiate with the client to agree on the contract terms.

foster: To encourage or promote the development of something.
The teacher worked hard to foster a love for reading in her students.

persuasion: The act of convincing someone to believe or do something.
His speech was full of persuasion, and everyone agreed with him.

essential: Extremely important or necessary.
Water is essential for life.

effective: Successful in producing a desired result.
The new method proved to be effective in improving student performance.

involve: To include or engage someone in something.
The project will involve all members of the team.

mythical: Relating to myths or traditional stories, often involving fantasy or imaginary creatures.
The dragon in the story was a mythical creature.

inspire: To motivate or encourage someone to take action or feel a certain way.
His story inspired me to follow my dreams.

for instance: Used to introduce an example.
Many countries have winter sports; for instance, Canada is famous for ice hockey.

convince: To persuade someone to believe or do something.
I tried to convince my friend to come to the party, but she was too tired.

remind: To make someone think of something they may have forgotten.
Please remind me to bring my book tomorrow.

diverse: Showing a great deal of variety.
The city is known for its diverse population and culture.

build confidence: To increase someone’s belief in their abilities.
Giving students positive feedback can help build confidence.

the process of learning: The act or method of acquiring knowledge or skills.
The process of learning a new language takes time and practice.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. Do you think using games is an effective way to learn a language? Why or why not?

3. How important is it to create a fun and relaxed environment when learning a new language? What are some other ways to do this?

4. What do you think are the advantages of practicing English through role-playing games compared to traditional classroom methods?

5. Would you feel comfortable participating in a language learning session that uses a game? Why or why not?

6. In your opinion, can storytelling help improve communication skills? Why might this be important for language learners?

7. Do you agree with the approach of creating real-life scenarios within a fantasy game? How might this help or hinder language learning?

8. How do you think different cultural backgrounds (like those from China, Japan, Iran, etc.) impact the dynamics of a role-playing game in a language learning context?

9. Should language institutes incorporate more non-traditional methods, like games, to teach languages? Why or why not?

10. Do you think that making mistakes is a crucial part of learning a new language? How should teachers and students handle mistakes during learning activities?

Vocabulary Test

  The rabbit (e ) from the bushes.

2. 外は雨が降っているようです。
  (I )( )( ) be raining outside.

3. 彼女は週末にボランティア活動に参加するのが好きです。
  She likes to (e )( ) volunteer work on the weekends.

4. 成功と努力は密接に関連しています。
  Success and hard work often go (h )( )( ).

5. 子どもたちは博物館の参加型ゲームを楽しみました。
  The children enjoyed the (i ) games at the museum.

6. 彼はプロジェクトに没頭し、他のことを忘れました。
  He (i ) himself in the project and forgot about everything else.

7. 私たちは新しいアイデアについて話し合うために共同会議を開きました。
  We had a (c ) meeting to discuss the new ideas.

8. 先生は試験前に生徒たちのストレスを和らげるために数日余分に与えました。
  The teacher gave a few extra days to (t )( )( )( ) the students before the exam.

9. 友達は彼女にチームのオーディションを受けるよう励ましました。
  Her friends (e ) her to try out for the team.

10. 問題が起きたとき、彼女は会議中に素早く決断を下さなければなりませんでした。
  She had to (t )( )( )( ) during the meeting when a problem came up.

11. マネージャーは契約条件について顧客と交渉しなければなりませんでした。
  The manager had to (n )( ) the client to agree on the contract terms.

12. その先生は生徒たちに読書への愛情を育むために一生懸命働きました。
  The teacher worked hard to (f ) a love for reading in her students.

13. 彼のスピーチは説得力に満ちていて、全員が彼に同意しました。
  His speech was full of (p ), and everyone agreed with him.

15. 水は生命に不可欠です。
  Water is (e ) for life.

16. その新しい方法は生徒の成績向上に効果的であることが証明されました。
  The new method proved to be (e ) in improving student performance.

17. このプロジェクトにはチームの全メンバーが関わる予定です。
  The project will (i ) all members of the team.

18. その物語に出てくるドラゴンは神話上の生き物でした。
  The dragon in the story was a (m ) creature.

19. 彼の話は私が夢を追う気持ちを奮い立たせました。
  His story (i ) me to follow my dreams.

20. 多くの国には冬のスポーツがあります。例えば、カナダはアイスホッケーで有名です。
  Many countries have winter sports; (F )( ), Canada is famous for ice hockey.

21. 友達をパーティーに来るよう説得しようとしましたが、彼女は疲れすぎていました。
  I tried to (c ) my friend to come to the party, but she was too tired.

22. 明日本を持ってくるのを忘れないように教えてください。
  Please (r ) me to bring my book tomorrow.

23. その都市は多様な人口と文化で知られています。
  The city is known for its (d ) population and culture.

24. 生徒に肯定的なフィードバックを与えることで自信を育むことができます。
  Giving students positive feedback can help (b )( ).

25. 新しい言語を学ぶプロセスには時間と練習が必要です。
  (T )( )( )( ) a new language takes time and practice.

Lesson 4: The Global Challenges of Food Waste

The Global Challenge of Food Waste

 In recent years, the issue of food waste has become a growing global concern. Reports from international organizations estimate that in 2022 alone, approximately 19% of all food produced—equivalent to 1.05 billion metric tons—was wasted. This waste comes from three primary sources: households, food service providers such as restaurants, and retailers. Among these, households contribute the most, accounting for 60% of the waste. Restaurants are responsible for 28%, while retailers make up the remaining 12%.

 The numbers are staggering. On average, each person wastes about 79 kilograms of food annually. This amounts to over a billion meals being thrown away worldwide every single day. Meanwhile, nearly 783 million people across the globe face chronic hunger, highlighting the stark contrast between food waste and food insecurity.

 The environmental consequences of food waste are equally alarming. Producing food consumes vast amounts of resources, including land and water, and significantly contributes to climate change. Experts estimate that food waste is responsible for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing this issue could lead to substantial environmental benefits, such as conserving natural resources and reducing harm to ecosystems, while also improving global food availability.

 Researchers specializing in food systems stress the importance of reducing waste as a key step toward sustainability. They argue that addressing this issue could lead to conserving valuable resources, minimizing environmental damage, and even freeing up land for alternative purposes. One effective strategy highlighted in studies involves donating surplus food from retailers to food banks and charitable organizations, ensuring excess food benefits those in need rather than going to waste.

 Interestingly, the difference in food waste generated by households in wealthier versus less affluent countries is smaller than many might expect. This finding underscores that food waste is not a problem exclusive to richer nations but a universal challenge. Experts emphasize that reducing food waste is a practical step individuals can take immediately, offering the dual benefits of saving money and protecting the planet.

 The issue of food waste affects us all. By working together, individuals, businesses, and governments can play a part in reducing this crisis and fostering a more sustainable future.


estimate: To roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
  I estimate that it will take us 30 minutes to get there.

approximately: Close to a particular number or amount, but not exactly.
  The trip will take approximately two hours.

equivalent to: Equal in value, amount, function, or meaning.
  Ten dollars is equivalent to about 1,500 yen.

primary: Most important or main.
  My primary goal is to finish the project on time.

household: A group of people, often a family, who live together in one home.
  Our household recycles paper and plastic every week.

retailer: A person or business that sells goods directly to consumers.
  This retailer offers discounts on electronics every month.

account for: To be a specified amount or part of something.
  Online sales account for 30% of the company’s revenue.

remaining: Left after other parts have been taken away or used.
  The remaining cake was put in the fridge.

stagger: To shock or surprise someone very much.
  The cost of the repairs staggered the homeowners.

on average: Typically or usually, based on general data or experience.
  On average, people sleep about seven hours a night.

amount to: To add up to or be equal to something.
  The expenses amount to $500 this month.

chronic: Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring, often describing an illness or problem.
  He suffers from chronic headaches during the winter.

stark contrast: A very obvious difference between two things.
  There is a stark contrast between the city and the countryside.

insecurity: Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself or something.
  Her insecurity about public speaking makes her nervous.

consume: To use, eat, or drink something.
  He consumes a lot of energy drinks during exams.

contribute to: To help bring about or cause something.
  Regular exercise contributes to good health.

greenhouse gas emission: The release of gases, such as carbon dioxide, that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.
  Factories are trying to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

substantial: Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
  She received a substantial bonus for her hard work.

availability: The state of being able to be used, accessed, or obtained.
  The availability of seats for the concert is limited.

specialize in: To focus on a particular subject or area of expertise.
  She specializes in graphic design for tech companies.

a key step toward: An important action taken to move closer to achieving a goal.
  Learning new skills is a key step toward getting a better job.

sustainability: The ability to be maintained or continued without depleting resources.
  Sustainability is an important part of modern farming practices.

free up: To make something available for use by removing restrictions or obligations.
  We need to free up some time to finish the project.

alternative purpose: A different use or function for something.
  The old warehouse was renovated for an alternative purpose.

surplus: An amount of something left over or in excess of what is needed.
  The store donated surplus food to the local shelter.

ensure: To make sure something happens or is done.
  I locked the door to ensure that the house is secure.

those in need: People who require help or assistance, often because of poverty or difficulty.
  The charity provides food and clothes to those in need.

generate: To create or produce something.
  Solar panels generate energy from sunlight.

less affluent countries: Nations with lower levels of wealth and resources.
  Less affluent countries face challenges in accessing clean water.

exclusive to: Limited to or available only for a particular person or group.
  The discount is exclusive to members of the store’s loyalty program.

a practical step: An action that is realistic and effective in solving a problem.
  Recycling plastic bottles is a practical step to reduce waste.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. What do you think about the claim that households are responsible for 60% of global food waste?

3. Are you surprised that each person wastes about 79 kilograms of food per year?

4. Do you know of any restaurants or supermarkets in your area that donate surplus food?

5. What do you make of the claim that food waste is not a “rich world problem”?

6. Have you taken any steps to reduce food waste in your household?

7. Do you often buy more food than you need?

8. What kinds of food items in your home are most likely to go to waste, and why?

9. How difficult do you think it would be to live a zero-waste lifestyle?

10. What are some innovative solutions you can think of to address food waste on both a personal and global level?

Vocabulary Test

1. 10ドルは約1,500円に相当します。
  Ten dollars is (e )( ) about 1,500 yen.

2. 私の最優先の目標は、このプロジェクトを時間内に終わらせることです。
  My (p ) goal is to finish the project on time.

3. 私たちの家庭では毎週紙とプラスチックをリサイクルしています。
  Our (h ) recycles paper and plastic every week.

4. この小売業者は毎月電子機器の割引を提供しています。
  This (r ) offers discounts on electronics every month.

5. オンライン販売は会社の収益の30%を占めています。
  Online sales (a )( ) 30% of the company’s revenue.

6. 残りのケーキは冷蔵庫に入れられました。
  The (r ) cake was put in the fridge.

7. 修理費用の高さに彼らは驚きました。
  The cost of the repairs (s ) the homeowners.

8. 平均的に、人々は1晩に約7時間眠ります。
  (O )( ), people sleep about seven hours a night.

9. この費用は今月500ドルに達します。
  The expenses (a )( ) $500 this month.

  Her (i ) about public speaking makes her nervous.

11. 定期的な運動は良い健康に寄与します。
  Regular exercise (c )( ) good health.

12. 彼女は努力のおかげでかなりのボーナスを受け取りました。
  She received a (s ) bonus for her hard work.

13. コンサートの座席の利用可能性は限られています。
  The (a ) of seats for the concert is limited.

14. 彼女はテクノロジー企業向けのグラフィックデザインを専門としています。
  She (s )( ) graphic design for tech companies.

15. 持続可能性は現代の農業慣行の重要な部分です。
  (S ) is an important part of modern farming practices.

16. 古い倉庫はアートギャラリーとして別の用途に改装されました。
  The old warehouse was renovated for an (a )( ).

17. この店は余剰の食品を地元のシェルターに寄付しました。
  The store donated (s ) food to the local shelter.

18. 家を安全にするためにドアの鍵をかけました。
  I locked the door to (e ) that the house is secure.

19. この慈善団体は困っている人々に食料や服を提供します。
  The charity provides food and clothes to (t )( )( ).

20. ソーラーパネルは太陽光からエネルギーを生み出します。
  Solar panels (g ) energy from sunlight.

21. この割引は、店舗のロイヤルティプログラムの会員に限定されています。
  The discount is (e )( ) members of the store’s loyalty program.

Lesson 5: Genome Editing Controversy

  Genome Editing Controversy

 In 2018, Chinese researcher He Jiankui made headlines when he announced that he had helped create the world’s first genetically edited babies. Using a tool called CRISPR, He altered the genomes of twin girls to make them resistant to HIV. This caused a major controversy, with many scientists condemning his work as “unethical” and fearing it could lead to the rise of “designer babies”—embryos whose genes are edited for specific traits.

 For his actions, He was fined $430,000 and sentenced to three years in prison for engaging in illegal medical practices. Genome editing involves removing specific genes and replacing them with new ones to give certain cells or organisms desired characteristics. Despite the backlash, He stated that he is proud to have helped families who wanted healthy children, though he admits he moved too quickly with the procedure.

 After being released from prison in 2022, He has returned to the scientific field but is currently not planning to create any more gene-edited babies. Instead, he is focused on researching human embryo genome editing to treat rare genetic diseases like Alzheimer’s. He emphasized that his research will comply with both domestic and international regulations, using discarded human embryos. He believes society will eventually accept genome editing as a valuable medical tool.

 He’s new proposals, published in 2023, have already stirred debate, with some labeling them as a “publicity stunt.” Editing the genes of embryos for pregnancy is illegal in many countries, including the U.S., and even in places like the U.K., embryo editing is only allowed for research purposes under strict guidelines.

 There is still uncertainty about how genome editing might affect individuals later in life. As this research develops, ethical questions surrounding the use of gene-editing technology will continue to challenge the scientific community and society at large.


genome: The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism.
  Scientists are studying the human genome to understand more about inherited   diseases.

edit: To make changes or corrections to something, often to improve it.
  Can you edit my essay before I turn it in?

controversy: A public disagreement or debate about a topic that causes strong opinions.
  The new policy on school uniforms caused a lot of controversy among parents.

genetically: In a way that relates to genes or heredity.
  These plants have been genetically modified to grow faster.

alter: To change something in a small but significant way.
  She decided to alter her dress to make it fit better.

resistant to: Having the ability to fight against something or not be affected by it.
  This material is resistant to water, so it’s perfect for raincoats.

condemn: To strongly criticize or disapprove of something, usually for moral reasons.
  The government condemned the violent actions of the protestors.

ethical: Relating to moral principles or the right and wrong of actions.
  It’s important to consider ethical issues when making decisions about new technology.

embryo: An early stage in the development of a living organism, especially a human or animal.
  The scientist studied the embryo under a microscope.

gene: A unit of heredity in living organisms that determines certain traits.
  Eye color is determined by a specific gene.

trait: A characteristic or quality that makes a person or thing unique.
  Kindness is one of her best traits.

be sentenced to: To officially receive a punishment from a court of law.
  He was sentenced to five years in prison for his crimes.

engage in: To take part in or be involved in something.
  The students are encouraged to engage in after-school activities.

illegal: Not allowed by law.
  Downloading movies without paying for them is illegal.

medical practice: The work of diagnosing and treating patients, carried out by doctors or healthcare professionals.
  He has been involved in medical practice for over 20 years.

organisms: Living things, such as plants, animals, or microorganisms.
  All organisms need water to survive.

backlash: A strong negative reaction to something, especially in response to change or action.
  The company faced backlash after announcing higher prices.

procedure: A set of actions or steps followed to complete a specific task.
  The dentist explained the procedure before starting the treatment.

currently: At the present time or moment.
  I’m currently reading a really interesting book about space.

emphasize: To give special importance or attention to something.
  The teacher emphasized the need to study regularly for exams.

comply with: To follow or obey rules, laws, or regulations.
  Employees must comply with company policies at all times.

discard: To get rid of something that is no longer needed or wanted.
  She decided to discard the old newspapers that were piling up.

stir debate: To cause people to discuss or argue about something.
  The mayor’s new proposal stirred debate among city residents.

publicity stunt: An action intended to attract public attention, often for promotional purposes.
  Many people thought the celebrity’s sudden announcement was just a publicity stunt.

at large: Referring to something as a whole or generally.
  The problem needs to be addressed by society at large, not just the government.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. Do you think He Jiankui’s decision to genetically edit the twin girls’ genomes was justified, given the potential health benefits? Why or why not?

3. How do you feel about the ethical concerns surrounding gene editing, particularly the fear of creating “designer babies”?

4. Should scientists be allowed to use gene editing techniques like CRISPR to prevent diseases in unborn children? Why or why not?

5. He Jiankui claims that society will eventually accept genome editing. Do you agree with this prediction? What factors could influence this acceptance?

6. Do you believe the punishment He received—three years in prison and a fine—was appropriate for his actions? Why or why not?

7. Should countries where genome editing for pregnancies is illegal reconsider their stance in light of potential medical benefits, such as preventing genetic diseases? Why or why not?

8. How should governments regulate scientific research that involves human embryo genome editing? Should there be global standards?

9. Given the potential unknown effects of genome editing on individuals later in life, do you think it is worth pursuing this technology for medical purposes?

10. What do you think about He’s return to research after his prison sentence? Should someone who has faced legal consequences in science be allowed to continue working in the field? Why or why not?

Vocabulary Test

1. レポートを提出する前に内容を編集してもらえますか?
Can you (e ) my essay before I turn it in?

2. 新しい制服の方針は保護者の間で大きな論争を引き起こしました。
The new policy on school uniforms caused a lot of (c ) among parents.

3. この植物は成長を早めるために遺伝子操作されています。
These plants have been (g ) modified to grow faster.

4. 彼女はドレスを少し変えて、よりよくフィットするようにしました。
She decided to (a ) her dress to make it fit better.

5. この素材は水に強いので、レインコートに最適です。
This material is (r )( ) water, so it’s perfect for raincoats.

6. 政府は抗議者たちの暴力的な行動を非難しました。
The government (c ) the violent actions of the protestors.

7. 新しい技術について決定を下す際には倫理的な問題を考えることが重要です。
It’s important to consider (e ) issues when making decisions about new technology.

8. 目の色は特定の遺伝子によって決まります。
Eye color is determined by a specific (g ).

9. 親切さは彼女の最も良い特性の一つです。
Kindness is one of her best (t ).

10. 彼は犯罪のために5年の刑を言い渡されました。
He was (s )( ) five years in prison for his crimes.

11. 学生たちは放課後の活動に参加するよう奨励されています。
The students are encouraged to (e )( ) after-school activities.

12. 映画を無断でダウンロードすることは違法です。
Downloading movies without paying for them is (i ).

13. 彼は20年以上医療行為に携わっています。
He has been involved in (m )( ) for over 20 years.

14. すべての生物は生きるために水が必要です。
All (o ) need water to survive.

15. 会社は値上げの発表後に反発に直面しました。
The company faced (b ) after announcing higher prices.

16. 歯医者は治療を始める前に手順を説明しました。
The dentist explained the (p ) before starting the treatment.

17. 私は現在、宇宙についての非常に興味深い本を読んでいます。
I’m (c ) reading a really interesting book about space.

18. 先生は定期的に勉強する必要性を強調しました。
The teacher (e ) the need to study regularly for exams.

19. 従業員は常に会社の規則に従わなければなりません。
Employees must (c )( ) company policies at all times.

20. 彼女は山積みになっていた古い新聞を処分することにしました。
She decided to (d ) the old newspapers that were piling up.

21, 市長の新しい提案は市民の間で議論を引き起こしました。
The mayor’s new proposal (s )( ) among city residents.

22. 多くの人がそのセレブの突然の発表を単なる売名行為だと考えました。
Many people thought the celebrity’s sudden announcement was just a (p )( ).

23. この問題は政府だけでなく、社会全体で取り組む必要があります。
The problem needs to be addressed by society (a )( ), not just the government.

Lesson 6: The Future of Remote Work

The Future of Remote Work

 During the coronavirus pandemic, many individuals realized they were more productive working from home. Others valued the flexibility it provided, enjoying extra time with their families and avoiding long commutes.

 Even after the pandemic ended, remote work continued to be popular among employees. However, the availability of remote job opportunities has decreased compared to the height of the pandemic. Data from a professional networking platform showed that remote job postings declined by 23% between early 2023 and January 2024. Despite this drop, the demand for remote positions remains strong.

 In many countries, including the United States, around 10% of job postings were for remote roles. However, these positions received nearly half of all job applications. This trend reflects a significant mismatch between the number of remote jobs available and the number of people seeking them, making such positions highly competitive.

 Surveys consistently show that employees value flexibility in their work arrangements. However, some companies are hesitant to offer remote options, often preferring traditional office-based roles. This reluctance is partly due to economic uncertainty, which leads many businesses to rely on familiar practices during challenging times.

 Despite these challenges, experts remain hopeful about the future of work. Businesses are gradually adapting to new ways of operating, and flexible work arrangements are gaining acceptance. For instance, in countries like the UK and Ireland, over 40% of job postings now offer hybrid roles, allowing employees to split their time between working from home and the office.

 As work environments continue to evolve, the balance between remote, hybrid, and office-based roles will likely shift. Companies and employees alike will need to adapt to find solutions that meet the needs of both sides, paving the way for a more flexible future of work.


productive: Achieving a lot or producing good results.
  She feels very productive after finishing all her tasks early.

flexibility: The ability to adapt or change easily.
  Having flexibility in your schedule can help you manage unexpected events.

availability: The state of being able to be used or accessed.
  Can you check the availability of the meeting room for tomorrow?

decline: To decrease or become smaller in amount, number, or quality.
  The number of remote job postings began to decline after the pandemic.

demand for: The desire or need for something, especially in terms of how many people want it.
  There is still high demand for remote jobs, even though the number has decreased.

remain: To stay in the same place or condition.
  Even after the changes, the need for flexibility remains strong among workers.

highly competitive: Involving a lot of competition, or requiring great effort to succeed.
  The job market for remote roles has become highly competitive since more people want them.

survey: A method of gathering information by asking people questions.
  I answered a survey about my preferences for working from home.

consistently: In the same way over time; always.
  She has consistently finished her work on time, even with tight deadlines.

be hesitant to: To feel unsure or reluctant about doing something.
  Many employees are hesitant to return to the office full time.

option: A choice or alternative.
  Remote work is one option that workers can choose for more flexibility.

reluctance: Unwillingness or hesitation to do something.
  His reluctance to change his work habits was evident during the meeting.

economic uncertainty: A situation where the future of the economy is not predictable.
  The company is making cautious decisions due to economic uncertainty.

rely on: To depend on something or someone.
  Many companies rely on in-office work to keep operations smooth.

familiar practice: A usual or well-known way of doing something.
  Returning to office work is a familiar practice for many businesses after the pandemic.

gain acceptance: To be accepted or approved by others.
  Flexible work schedules are starting to gain acceptance in many companies.

likely: Probably or expected to happen.
  It is likely that remote work will continue to grow in the future.

alike: Similar or in the same way.
  Employees and employers are alike in their need for more flexibility.

pave the way for: To make something easier or possible by preparing for it.
  The growing popularity of hybrid roles may pave the way for future changes in the workforce.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. In your opinion, what are the key advantages of working from home?

3. Is it difficult to find remote or hybrid job opportunities in your country?

4. Why do you believe some companies are hesitant to provide remote work options?

5. Do you think businesses will expand their remote or hybrid work offerings in the future?

6. How adaptable is your current work schedule?

7. Do you know a lot of people who have the ability to work from home?

8. What would your perfect working setup look like?

9. How has the pandemic permanently affected your industry?

10. What challenges do you think employees face when working remotely or in hybrid roles?

Vocabulary Test

1. 彼女はすべてのタスクを早めに終わらせた後、とても生産的に感じます。
  She feels very (p ) after finishing all her tasks early.

2. 柔軟なスケジュールを持つことは、予期しない出来事を管理するのに役立ちます。
  Having (f ) in your schedule can help you manage unexpected events.

3. 明日の会議室の利用可能状況を確認してもらえますか?
  Can you check the (a ) of the meeting room for tomorrow?

4. リモート勤務の求人は、パンデミック後に減少し始めました。
  The number of remote job postings began to (d ) after the pandemic.

5. リモートワークの求人に対する需要は減少しているが、依然として高い。
  There is still high (d )( ) remote jobs, even though the number has decreased.

6. 変更後も、柔軟性の必要性は従業員の間で強く残っています。
  Even after the changes, the need for flexibility (r ) strong among workers.

7. リモート勤務の求人市場は、より多くの人々が求めるようになって、非常に競争が激しくなっています。
  The job market for remote roles has become (h )( ) since more people want them.

8. 私は在宅勤務に関する自分の好みについてアンケートに答えました。
  I answered a (s ) about my preferences for working from home.

9. 彼女は厳しい締め切りがあっても、一貫して仕事を時間通りに終わらせています。
  She has (c ) finished her work on time, even with tight deadlines.

10. 多くの従業員がフルタイムでオフィスに戻ることに対してためらっています。
  Many employees are (h )( ) return to the office full time.

11. リモートワークは、従業員がより柔軟性を持つための一つの選択肢です。
  Remote work is one (o ) that workers can choose for more flexibility.

12. 彼は仕事の習慣を変えることに対して抵抗を示しました。
  His (r ) to change his work habits was evident during the meeting.

13. 経済的不確実性が企業の意思決定に影響を与えています。
  The company is making cautious decisions due to (e )( ).

14. 多くの企業は、業務が円滑に進むようにオフィス勤務に頼っています。
  Many companies (r )( ) in-office work to keep operations smooth.

15. パンデミック後、オフィス勤務に戻ることは多くの企業にとって慣れたやり方です。
  Returning to office work is a (f )( ) for many businesses after the pandemic.

16. 柔軟な勤務時間は、多くの企業で受け入れられ始めています。
  Flexible work schedules are starting to (g )( ) in many companies.

17. リモートワークは将来も成長し続けると予想されます。
  It is (l ) that remote work will continue to grow in the future.

18. 従業員も雇用主も柔軟性を求める点で似ている。
  Employees and employers are (a ) in their need for more flexibility.

19. ハイブリッド勤務の人気の高まりは、将来の労働市場の変化を促進するかもしれません。
  The growing popularity of hybrid roles may (p )( )( )( ) future changes in the   workforce.

Lesson 7: The Importance of Work-Life Balance

 The Importance of Work-Life Balance

 Balancing work and personal life can be difficult for many people, but some countries seem to have found a way to achieve it more successfully. According to recent reports, nations like New Zealand, Italy, France, Denmark, and Spain are leaders in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

 The rankings come from the Global Life-Work Balance Index by a human resources company, and the OECD Better Life Index, which compares the well-being of people in its 38 member countries. The OECD is an international organization that promotes economic growth and cooperation among countries.

 New Zealand ranks first in the Global Life-Work Balance Index, partly due to its relaxed culture. People in New Zealand are entitled to a minimum of 32 days of paid leave each year, and workers only average 26.3 hours of work each week, which allows plenty of time for personal activities.

 In Italy, people enjoy an average of 16.5 hours per day for sleep, meals, and leisure, which is above the OECD average. This means Italians spend more time on personal care compared to many other countries.

 France also provides its workers with a good balance. On average, French people dedicate 16.2 hours a day to personal activities, and workers receive at least 36 days of paid leave every year. With an average of just 25.6 hours worked per week, French employees enjoy more free time than many others.

 Denmark, which ranks second in the OECD index, stands out for its low number of people working long hours. Only about 1% of workers in Denmark work over 50 hours a week, compared to 10% in the wider OECD region. Spain, while losing some of its traditional afternoon break culture, still offers generous leave days and ranks highly for personal time.

 These examples show that prioritizing time for leisure and personal care can help people lead happier and healthier lives. Countries with a good work-life balance often create a better quality of life for their citizens.


work-life balance: The balance between work and personal life, ensuring that work does not interfere with personal time or health.
  Many people struggle to achieve work-life balance, but it’s important for long-term happiness.

well-being: A state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy.
  She exercises regularly to maintain her well-being and reduce stress.

promote: To encourage or support the development of something.
  Companies should promote a healthy work environment to improve employee satisfaction.

economic growth: The increase in the value of goods and services produced by an economy over time.
  Economic growth is important for creating more jobs and improving living standards.

partly due to: To some extent because of.
  His success is partly due to his hard work and dedication.

be entitled to: To have the right to something, often by law or as a result of an agreement.
  All employees are entitled to a lunch break during their workday.

paid leave: Time off from work with pay, usually for holidays, sickness, or personal reasons.
  She took paid leave to take care of her sick child.

above the average: Greater or higher than the typical amount.
  The salary in this industry is above the average for other sectors.

provide – with~: To give someone what they need or offer something to someone.
  The company provides its employees with health insurance and other benefits.

on average: The typical or usual amount when considering all examples in a group.
  On average, people spend about 8 hours sleeping every night.

dedicate: To devote time, effort, or resources to a particular task or purpose.
  She dedicates an hour each morning to reading before work.

stand out for: To be noticeably different or better than others.
  He stands out for his creativity and problem-solving skills.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. What are your thoughts on the countries listed as having the best work-life balance?

3. Which countries from the list do you think would offer the best lifestyle for living and working?

4. How do you think your country compares when it comes to achieving a good work-life balance?

5. How many days of paid leave do workers typically receive in your country?

6. Do you think many people in your country regularly work over 50 hours a week?

7. Do you feel that your job offers a healthy work-life balance?

8. Would you prefer to have more vacation days or shorter working hours each day?

9. What activities do you do to relax after a busy workday?

10. When was the last time you took a day off, and how did you spend it?

Vocabulary Test

1. 多くの人が仕事とプライベートのバランスを取るのに苦労していますが、それは長期的な幸せのために重要です。
  Many people struggle to achieve (w )( ), but it’s important for long-term happiness.

2. 彼女は健康を維持し、ストレスを減らすために定期的に運動をしています。
  She exercises regularly to maintain her (w ) and reduce stress.

3. 企業は従業員満足度を高めるために健康的な職場環境を促進すべきです。
  Companies should (p ) a healthy work environment to improve employee satisfaction.

4. 経済成長は新しい仕事を創出し、生活水準を向上させるために重要です。
  (E )( ) is important for creating more jobs and improving living standards.

5. 彼の成功は、部分的には努力と献身のおかげです。
  His success is (p )( )( ) his hard work and dedication.

6. すべての従業員は仕事の合間に昼休みを取る権利があります。
  All employees (a )( )( ) a lunch break during their workday.

7. 彼女は病気の子供の世話をするために有給休暇を取った。
  She took (p )( ) to take care of her sick child.

8. この業界の給与は他の業界の平均を上回っています。
  The salary in this industry is (a )( )( ) for other sectors.

9. 会社は従業員に健康保険やその他の福利厚生を提供しています。
  The company (p ) its employees ( ) health insurance and other benefits.

10. 人々は通常、毎晩8時間を睡眠に費やします。
  (O )( ), people spend about 8 hours sleeping every night.

11. 彼女は仕事の前に毎朝1時間を読書に費やしています。
  She (d ) an hour each morning to reading before work.

12. 彼は創造性と問題解決能力で目立っています。
  He (s )( )( ) his creativity and problem-solving skills.

Lesson 8: The Development of an AI Tool to Predict Future Health Conditions

  The Development of an AI Tool to Predict Future Health Conditions

 Researchers have developed an innovative artificial intelligence tool with the potential to predict future health conditions. This tool, which was created through collaboration among various experts from universities and hospitals, has been trained using a vast amount of real patient data. By utilizing deep learning techniques, the AI can identify patterns within healthcare data and predict future symptoms, medications, conditions, and procedures.

 The initial results of the tool’s testing were published in a leading medical journal. The AI was trained using health data from over 800,000 patients from two different countries. To test its effectiveness, researchers compared the predictions made by the tool with the actual outcomes of a smaller group of patients whose medical records were analyzed.

 In one country, the AI tool accurately predicted the next health disorder in 68% to 76% of cases. In another country, the accuracy rate was even higher, with predictions correct 88% of the time. The tool also demonstrated an impressive accuracy rate of at least 80% when predicting biomedical concepts, such as conditions, medications, symptoms, or relapses.

 The lead author of the study emphasized that the AI tool is not intended for self-diagnosis. Rather, it is designed to support healthcare professionals by ensuring that no diagnosis is missed and by providing continuous monitoring of patients. As the tool processes more data, its predictions improve over time.

 Although the AI tool shows great promise, the researchers pointed out that further testing is needed. They are currently seeking hospitals to participate in trials of a more advanced version, which aims to enhance the accuracy and usefulness of the tool in the medical field.


predict: To say or estimate that something will happen in the future.
  The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow, so I’ll take an umbrella.

innovative: Featuring new ideas or methods; advanced and original.
  The company introduced an innovative product that quickly became popular.

artificial intelligence: The simulation of human intelligence by computers or machines.
  Many people are excited about how artificial intelligence can improve our daily lives.

the potential to: Having the ability to achieve or become something in the future.
  This new app has the potential to revolutionize how we shop online.

a vast amount of: A very large quantity of something.
  She has read a vast amount of books on the subject of history.

utilize: To use something effectively for a particular purpose.
  You should utilize the library’s resources to complete your project.

identify: To recognize or determine what something is.
  The teacher asked us to identify the main idea of the story.

symptom: A physical or mental condition that shows a possible disease or health issue.
  He went to the doctor after experiencing flu-like symptoms for a week.

medication: Medicine used to treat a disease or condition.
  The doctor prescribed medication to help her recover faster.

procedure: A specific way of doing something, especially in a medical or official setting.
  The nurse explained the procedure before starting the test.

initial: Happening at the beginning; first.
  Her initial reaction to the news was surprise, but she later felt happy.

outcome: The result or effect of an action or situation.
  We are all waiting to hear the outcome of the final decision.

analyze: To examine something carefully in detail to understand it better.
  The scientists will analyze the data to find any patterns or trends.

accurately: In a way that is correct and precise.
  He can accurately calculate complex math problems in his head.

disorder: A physical or mental condition that disrupts normal functioning.
  She has a sleep disorder that makes it hard for her to rest properly.

accuracy rate: The percentage of times something is done correctly.
  The accuracy rate of the new software is higher than expected.

demonstrate: To show clearly how something works or that something is true.
  She demonstrated how to use the new coffee machine to the staff.

impressive: Causing admiration due to skill, quality, or size.
  His presentation was so impressive that everyone applauded at the end.

biomedical concept: An idea or topic related to medicine and biology.
  They studied biomedical concepts like genetics and disease prevention.

such as: For example; used to introduce examples.
  Many fruits, such as apples and oranges, are high in vitamin C.

relapse: A return to a previous condition, especially illness, after improvement.
  He had a relapse after stopping his medication too early.

intend for: To design or plan something for a specific purpose or person.
  This training program is intended for people who want to learn new skills.

self-diagnosis: The process of identifying one’s own illness or problem without professional help.
  Self-diagnosis can be risky, so it’s better to consult a doctor.

point out: To direct attention to something or make it known.
  She pointed out a mistake in the report before it was submitted.

further: To a greater extent or in addition to something already done.
  He decided to study further to deepen his understanding of the subject.

enhance: To improve or make something better.
  Adding spices can enhance the flavor of a dish.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. What is your opinion on the AI tool designed to predict health conditions?

3. Were you surprised by how accurately the AI tool predicted future health outcomes?

4. Would you feel confident relying on an AI tool for health monitoring?

5. How do you think AI will influence the future of healthcare?

6. Do you believe that AI could eventually replace doctors?

7. Are there any AI tools that you use in your workplace?

8. How do you think AI will affect your industry in the future?

9. Are there specific jobs or industries where you think AI should not be implemented?

10. Do you feel hopeful about the future of AI?

Vocabulary Test

  The weather forecast (p ) rain tomorrow, so I’ll take an umbrella.

2. その会社はすぐに人気になった新しい製品を発表しました。
  The company introduced an (i ) product that quickly became popular.

3. この新しいアプリはオンラインショッピングを革命的に変える可能性を秘めています。
  This new app has the (p )( ) revolutionize how we shop online.

4. 彼女は歴史のテーマに関して非常に多くの本を読んでいます。
  She has read a (v )( )( ) books on the subject of history.

5. 図書館の資料を有効活用してプロジェクトを完成させるべきです。
  You should (u ) the library’s resources to complete your project.

6. 教師は物語の主題を特定するように私たちに求めました。
  The teacher asked us to (i ) the main idea of the story.

7. 彼は1週間もインフルエンザのような症状が続いたので医者に行きました。
  He went to the doctor after experiencing flu-like (s ) for a week.

8. 医者は彼女が早く回復するための薬を処方しました。
  The doctor prescribed (m ) to help her recover faster.

9. 看護師は検査を始める前に手順を説明しました。
  The nurse explained the (p ) before starting the test.

10. 彼女の最初の反応は驚きでしたが、その後喜びに変わりました。
  Her (i ) reaction to the news was surprise, but she later felt happy.

11. 私たちは最終決定の結果を聞くのを待っています。
  We are all waiting to hear the (o ) of the final decision.

12. 科学者たちはデータを詳しく分析してパターンを見つける予定です。
  The scientists will (a ) the data to find any patterns or trends.

13. 彼は頭の中で複雑な数学の問題を正確に計算することができます。
  He can (a ) calculate complex math problems in his head.

14. 彼女は通常の睡眠が取れない睡眠障害を抱えています。
  She has a sleep (d ) that makes it hard for her to rest properly.

15. 彼女はスタッフに新しいコーヒーマシンの使い方を明確に示しました。
  She (d ) how to use the new coffee machine to the staff.

16. 彼のプレゼンテーションはとても印象的で、皆が拍手を送りました。
  His presentation was so (i ) that everyone applauded at the end.

17. 彼は薬を早く止めた後、病気が再発しました。
  He had a (r ) after stopping his medication too early.

18. このトレーニングプログラムは新しいスキルを学びたい人々のために設計されています。
  This training program is (i )( ) people who want to learn new skills.

19. 自己診断はリスクが伴うので、医師に相談した方が良いです。
  (S ) can be risky, so it’s better to consult a doctor.

20. 彼女は提出前に報告書の間違いを指摘しました。
  She (p )( ) a mistake in the report before it was submitted.

21. 彼はそのテーマについての理解を深めるためにさらに学ぶことを決めました。
  He decided to study (f ) to deepen his understanding of the subject.

22. スパイスを加えると料理の風味を高めることができます。
   Adding spices can (e ) the flavor of a dish.

Lesson 9:The Search for the Perfect Show

 The Search for the Perfect Show

Are you ready for a cozy evening filled with entertainment? You’ve finished your chores, prepared some snacks, poured a drink, and slipped into your favorite comfortable clothes. But wait—what should you watch?

If you often find yourself sitting down to watch TV without a clue about what to choose, you’re not alone. A recent survey revealed that only 19% of viewers typically know what they want to watch before turning on the screen.

TiVo, a company known for its digital video recorders, surveyed nearly 4,500 people in the US and Canada about their viewing habits. They release the Video Trends Report twice a year, highlighting interesting insights into how we consume content.

With so many options available, finding something enjoyable can be a challenge. So, where do we look for inspiration? According to the survey, a majority of people rely on recommendations from friends—43% said this is their go-to method. Commercials during other shows also influence choices, with 42% of respondents admitting they decide based on these ads.

Social media plays a significant role, too; over a third of people discover shows through platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Additionally, 29% of viewers find new content while browsing the home screens of their streaming apps.

Interestingly, nearly half of the participants reported visiting two or three different streaming platforms before settling on a show. This demonstrates that even with countless options, choosing what to watch can still feel overwhelming. So, next time you find yourself in this situation, remember—it’s a common experience, and inspiration can come from many different places!


cozy: Comfortable and warm, creating a pleasant and relaxed feeling.
  She made the living room cozy by lighting candles and adding soft blankets.

chore: A routine task, often boring, that needs to be done, especially around the house.
  Cleaning the kitchen is a chore I always try to finish quickly.

slip into: To put on clothes quickly and easily.
  After coming home, he slipped into his favorite sweatshirt and relaxed.

without a clue: Having no idea or understanding about something.
  She walked into the exam without a clue about what would be on it.

reveal: To make something known that was previously secret or hidden.
  He revealed his plans to move abroad during the family dinner.

insight: A deep understanding of a situation or concept.
  Her explanation gave me insight into how the company operates.

a majority of: More than half of a group or number.
  A majority of the team agreed to take Friday off for the trip.

rely on: To depend on someone or something for help or support.
  She relies on her calendar to keep track of all her appointments.

go-to method: A preferred or reliable way to solve a problem or complete a task.
  Her go-to method for calming down is to take a walk in the park.

a third of: One out of three equal parts of something.
  A third of the audience left the theater before the movie ended.

browse: To look through something casually without focusing on a specific item.
  I love browsing through old books at the second-hand store.

settle on: To make a final decision after considering different options.
  After much discussion, they settled on going to Italy for their vacation.

overwhelm: To feel an overpowering amount of stress or emotion.
  The unexpected workload began to overwhelm her by the end of the day.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. Do you typically know what you want to watch before you turn on the TV?

3. How long does it generally take you to choose something to watch?

4. Where do you find suggestions for TV shows to watch?

5. How many different streaming platforms do you use?

6. What are your favorite snacks for watching TV?

7. Which TV shows are you currently enjoying?

8. What are some of the best shows you’ve seen lately?

9. Are there any new shows you’re excited about?

10. How have streaming services changed the way you watch TV?

Vocabulary Test

  She made the living room (c ) by lighting candles and adding soft blankets.

2. キッチンを掃除するのは、いつも素早く終わらせようとする家事です。
  Cleaning the kitchen is a (c ) I always try to finish quickly.

3. 家に帰ると、彼は着替えてお気に入りのスウェットシャツを着てリラックスしました。
  After coming home, he (s )( ) his favorite sweatshirt and relaxed.

4. 彼女はテストがどんな内容か全くわからないままで受けました。
  She walked into the exam (w )( )( ) about what would be on it.

5. 彼は家族の夕食で海外に引っ越す計画を明かしました。
  He (r ) his plans to move abroad during the family dinner.

6. 彼女の説明は、会社がどのように運営されているかについての洞察を与えてくれました。
  Her explanation gave me (i ) into how the company operates.

7. チームの大多数は金曜日に旅行のために休暇を取ることに同意しました。
  A (m )( ) the team agreed to take Friday off for the trip.

8. 彼女はすべての予定を管理するために自分のカレンダーに頼っています。
  She (r )( ) her calendar to keep track of all her appointments.

9. 彼女が落ち着くためにいつも使うお決まりの方法は公園で散歩することです。
  Her (g )( ) for calming down is to take a walk in the park.

10. 観客の3分の1は映画が終わる前に劇場を出ました。
  A ( )( ) the audience left the theater before the movie ended.

11. 私は中古の店で古本を閲覧するのが大好きです。
  I love (b ) through old books at the second-hand store.

12. 多くの議論の後、彼らは休暇に行く場所としてイタリアを決定しました。
  After much discussion, they (s )( ) going to Italy for their vacation.

13. 予期しない仕事量が、日が終わる頃には彼女を圧倒しました。
  The unexpected workload began to (o ) her by the end of the day.

Lesson 10:The Influence of Japanese Words on English

The Influence of Japanese Words on English

 Have you ever noticed how some English words sound remarkably similar to Japanese? This is no coincidence—many of these words are indeed borrowed from Japanese. Recently, one of the most renowned English dictionaries added 22 new Japanese words to its collection, increasing the number of recognized Japanese terms to over 570.

 The process of Japanese words entering English dates back centuries, with records showing their usage as early as the 16th century. Among the latest additions, many are related to food. Words like onigiri (rice balls), okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), and takoyaki (octopus balls) have been included. Linguists explain that food-related terms are often borrowed because people prefer using the authentic names of dishes rather than attempting to translate them into English.

The selection process for adding these words is careful and systematic. Experts consider factors such as how long a word has been used in English and how frequently it appears in conversations or writings. For the recent additions, they collaborated with language specialists to ensure accuracy. An example of a new word is “katsu,” which is a shortened form of katsuretsu, itself derived from the English term “cutlet.”

 Beyond food, new additions also include terms related to Japanese art and culture. For instance, kirigami refers to the craft of cutting and folding paper into intricate, three-dimensional shapes, while kintsugi describes the art of repairing broken pottery with materials like gold or silver, highlighting the beauty of imperfections.

 Another interesting word is isekai, which translates to “other world.” This term is commonly used to describe a genre of fantasy or science fiction where characters are transported to unfamiliar and fantastical worlds, a theme featured in many popular stories.

 As global interactions increase and Japanese cuisine and culture gain international appeal, the integration of Japanese words into English is expected to continue growing. This blending of languages reflects the rich exchange of ideas and traditions in an increasingly connected world.


remarkably: Unusually or exceptionally; in a way that is worthy of attention.
  She handled the situation remarkably well despite the pressure.

similar to: Having a resemblance or being alike in some way.
  This new phone is similar to the older model, but it has better features.

coincidence: A situation where two or more events happen at the same time by chance.
  It was a coincidence that we both wore the same shirt today.

indeed: Used to confirm or emphasize a statement.
  The cake was indeed delicious, as everyone said it would be.

term: A word or expression used to describe a particular thing or concept.
  This term is commonly used in business meetings.

be related to: To have a connection or association with something.
  His job is related to environmental protection.

linguist: A person who studies languages or speaks multiple languages fluently.
  The linguist gave a talk about the history of European languages.

authentic: Genuine, real, or not false or copied.
  We visited an authentic Italian restaurant for dinner last night.

attempt to: To try to do something, especially something challenging.
  She attempted to fix the broken vase but couldn’t do it.

ensure: To make sure or guarantee that something happens.
  The staff ensures that all customers are satisfied with their service.

derive from: To come from or originate from a specific source.
  This dish derives from a traditional family recipe.

intricate: Very detailed or complicated.
  The artist created an intricate design on the pottery.

three-dimensional: Having length, width, and depth.
  The museum displayed three-dimensional models of ancient cities.

imperfection: A flaw or defect that makes something less than perfect.
  The small scratch was the only imperfection on the otherwise perfect car.

genre: A category or type of art, music, or literature.
  She prefers movies in the comedy genre over action films.

transport to: To move something or someone from one place to another.
  The packages were transported to the store by a delivery truck.

theme: The central idea or topic in a piece of work.
  The theme of the novel is about friendship and loyalty.

feature: A characteristic or part of something that stands out.
  The new phone features a longer battery life and a better camera.

cuisine: A style or method of cooking, especially from a particular country or region.
  French cuisine is famous for its rich flavors and fine presentation.

integration: The process of combining or bringing different things together into a whole.
  The integration of new technology into classrooms has improved learning.


1. Summarize the content of the article.

2. What do you think about the new Japanese words added to the English dictionary?

3. The Oxford English Dictionary has recorded Japanese words in English since the 16th century. What is your opinion on this long history of language exchange?

4. Are you surprised that the word “katsu” has English origins?

5. Can you name any other English words that have come from Japanese?

6. How do you feel when you hear words from your native language being used in English?

7. Do you think it is effective to use an English-English dictionary when studying English?

8. What are some of the most interesting English words you’ve learned lately?

9. Has your language borrowed many words from English?

10. Which languages are most similar to your native language?

Vocabulary Test

1. 彼女はプレッシャーにもかかわらず、驚くほどうまく状況を処理しました。
  She handled the situation (r ) well despite the pressure.

2. この新しい電話は古いモデルに似ていますが、より優れた機能がある。
  This new phone is ( )( ) to the older model, but it has better features.

3. 私たちが今日同じシャツを着ていたのは偶然でした。
  It was a (c ) that we both wore the same shirt today.

4. ケーキは本当に美味しかったです、みんなが言った通りでした。
  The cake was (i ) delicious, as everyone said it would be.

5. この言葉はビジネス会議でよく使われます。
  This (t ) is commonly used in business meetings.

6. 彼の仕事は環境保護に関連しています。
  His job (i )( )( ) to environmental protection.

7. その言語学者はヨーロッパの言語の歴史について講演をしました。
  The (l ) gave a talk about the history of European languages.

8. 私たちは昨晩、本物のイタリアンレストランで夕食をとりました。
  We visited an (a ) Italian restaurant for dinner last night.

9. 彼女は壊れた花瓶を修理しようとしましたが、できませんでした。
  She (a )( ) fix the broken vase but couldn’t do it.

10. スタッフはすべての顧客が満足していることを確実にします。
  The staff (e ) that all customers are satisfied with their service.

11. この料理は伝統的な家族のレシピに由来しています。
  This dish (d )( ) a traditional family recipe.

12. そのアーティストは陶器に非常に複雑なデザインを施しました。
  The artist created an (i ) design on the pottery.

13. 博物館では古代都市の三次元モデルが展示されていました。
  The museum displayed (t ) models of ancient cities.

14. その小さな傷は、完璧な車における唯一の欠陥でした。
  The small scratch was the only (i ) on the otherwise perfect car.

15. 彼女はアクション映画よりもコメディジャンルの映画を好みます。
  She prefers movies in the comedy (g ) over action films.

16. 荷物は配達トラックで店に運ばれました。
  The packages were (t )( ) the store by a delivery truck.

17. その小説のテーマは友情と忠誠心についてです。
  The (t ) of the novel is about friendship and loyalty.

18. 新しい電話はより長いバッテリー寿命と優れたカメラを特徴としています。
  The new phone (f ) a longer battery life and a better camera.

19. フランス料理はその豊かな味と美しい盛り付けで有名です。
  French (c ) is famous for its rich flavors and fine presentation.

20. 新しい技術を教室に統合することは、学習を改善しました。
  The (i ) of new technology into classrooms has improved learning.